Edit summaries in InternetArchiveBot at the moment can lead to confusion or frustration. The only actions that can be described are (1) link rescues and (2) links being tagged as dead. Other actions, like maintenance, are not described. Conversion of existing archive links from HTTP to HTTPS is marked as a link rescue, which might arguably be true?, but there is a better way to describe it.
- Identifying number of links transformed (i.e. from regular to archive)
- Identifying conversion of link protocols
- Identifying removal of redundant reference text (see https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/InternetArchiveBot/Problem#The_bot_is_removing_a_lot_of_wikitext_from_pages)
- Identifying other maintenance actions (we don't have to get too precise here; so long as we have some way of saying "we also made maintenance edits")
- Conversion of bare citations in ref tags to full citation templates
- Conversion of deprecated citation templates to newer ones