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WebDriverError: Failed to decode response from marionette errors for Firefox
Open, Needs TriagePublic


There's one error left that we get when running Firefox against WebPageReplay at Bitbar.

WebDriverError: Failed to decode response from marionette errors for Firefox

I've asked them to increase dev-sh but no results. However it like some configuration that needs to be fixed:

Let me try to reproduce it in Docker at my side and see how I can fix it.

Event Timeline

By setting --memory 256mb --shm-size 256mb I can reproduce it locally so I think something still is not correct with the setup at BitBar.

Change 881362 had a related patch set uploaded (by Phedenskog; author: Phedenskog):

[performance/mobile-synthetic-monitoring-tests@master] Decrease iterations for Firefox to 5 instead of 11.

Change 881362 merged by jenkins-bot:

[performance/mobile-synthetic-monitoring-tests@master] Decrease iterations for Firefox to 5 instead of 11.