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Vector 2022 display issues on some ancient browser versions on old MacOS versions
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT


On at least the MacOS web browsers I tested,

• 2021 TenFourFox 3.25
• 2019 TenSixFox FPR-7
• 2017 Firefox 45.9.0esr
• 2016 Firefox 48.0.2
• 2016 Chrome 49.0.2623.112

a Vector 22 page such as

displays 2 problems:

  1. The left "Content" sidepanel never displays, even when the button with the 3 bulletted lines is pressed.
  1. When the "Main menu" left sidebar is opened using its 3-line button, it shifts all the other page content down to below the sidebar, instead of rightward, even with more than enough horizontal space present.

I believe that Vector 2022 ought to work fully on at least the above browsers, because they include the last versions available for millions of highly-capable pre-2009 Mac computers stuck on lower MacOS versions, such as my 64-bit multi-GHz multi-core Intel 2008 MacBook OS X 10.6.8.

Hopefully this does not require screenshots, otherwise please help me supplying them because Phabricator does not appear to fully work with FF45esr either.

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I believe that Vector 2022 ought to work fully on at least the above browsers, because they include the last versions available for millions of highly-capable pre-2009 Mac computers stuck on lower MacOS versions, such as my 64-bit multi-GHz multi-core Intel 2008 MacBook OS X 10.6.8.

Per I'm not sure that's within the policy...

As a workaround, people who are still on such insecure outdated systems using insecure outdated browsers could switch to using another MediaWiki skin instead.

Aklapper renamed this task from Vector 2022 display issues on some MacOS browsers to Vector 2022 display issues on some ancient browser versions on old MacOS versions.Jan 23 2023, 7:25 PM

Jdlrobson closed this task as a duplicate of T313066: Improve grade C version of Vector 2022.Mon, Jan 23, 2:36 PM

Thank you; agreed.

As a workaround, people who are still on such insecure outdated systems using insecure outdated browsers

They're not insecure if one secures them. Many of our systems are perfectly secure.

could switch to using another MediaWiki skin instead.

Ineed, I use Applescript to append ?useskin=vector to URLs when I need the Contents nav.

Aklapper renamed this task from Vector 2022 display issues on some MacOS browsers to Vector 2022 display issues on some ancient browser versions on old MacOS versions.

Calling secure systems "insecure" and 2017 software "ancient" is neither helpful nor factual, just name-calling.

Calling secure systems "insecure" and 2017 software "ancient" is neither helpful nor factual, just name-calling.

Firefox 45.9.0esr saw it's end of life 67 months ago. It's extremely likely (and thus "factual") that some of the hundreds of security issues fixed since June 2017 only in later Firefox releases also apply to that 45.9.0esr codebase.