Labtestwikitech seems to generally work fine, but enable 2fa for a new user fails and logs this message:
[9fc2f6eb-8160-4369-9310-5d46820af000] /wiki/Special:Manage_Two-factor_authentication Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError: Error 1364: Field 'scratch_tokens_reset' doesn't have a default value Function: MediaWiki\Extension\OATHAuth\OATHUserRepository::persist Query: REPLACE INTO `oathauth_users` (id,module,data) VALUES (20,'totp','{\"keys\":[{\"secret\":\"NWKKNX7L5Z3A5WD6\",\"scratch_tokens\":[\"BHRYM6YYZB4H7UWL\",\"FIQAH2RB2VZVL4XJ\",\"L2IAZ2MGZRSXMKE6\",\"KFGUL5R3KTUJHRVF\",\"CGU6NNQQTYTA2VOS\",\"JSXMLXJZ5TGTKIMN\",\"PRRJIVJFETSBFWX2\",\"3CSRNCLCIX53X5S7\",\"4EOXTD6QDNZPHOQK\",\"A4EOTH43PGW32CHL\"]}]}')
(note that that is not a live token so there's no security concern with this ticket being public)
Amir suggests that this might b related to but I have already updated grants for the 2023 service user, at least to the best of my knowledge.
I've confirmed that this issue is not present on wikitech, only on labtestwikitech.