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Page preview thumbnails on Spanish Wikipedia show a cached image (after edits to an infobox template)
Closed, InvalidPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue
Go to Partido Demócrata Popular and place your hover icon over the link to the page of Jaime Mayor Oreja.

What happens?:
Instead of the actual photo in the Jaime Mayor Oreja Wikipedia article, an image of guns appears. This image is also featured on the thumbnails of various other people in Spanish Wikipedia. The image itself is not used in any of the articles whatsoever.

What should have happened instead?:
The thumbnail should show the photo in the Jaime Mayor Oreja Wikipedia article.

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
Screenshots of the thumbnail and the actual Wikipedia article in which the image of guns is nowhere to be found.

Captura de pantalla 2023-01-29 a las 18.40.18.png (1×2 px, 1 MB)
Captura de pantalla 2023-01-29 a las 18.57.54.png (1×2 px, 1 MB)

Event Timeline

@MP_DDT If I'm not mistaken, there were some vandalism to the infobox, less than two days ago, that showed this image (there have also been reports on social media for some hours)! In fact, I don't see that gun. Try to "purge" by clicking here and it should be solved!

Aklapper renamed this task from Spanish Wikipedia thumbnails incorrectly showing an image of a collection of guns to Page preview thumbnails on Spanish Wikipedia show a cached image (after edits to an infobox template).Jan 29 2023, 10:20 PM
Aklapper closed this task as Invalid.

(Closing as there is no technical software code bug here but... expected but unfortunate caching.)

@MP_DDT If I'm not mistaken, there were some vandalism to the infobox, less than two days ago, that showed this image (there have also been reports on social media for some hours)! In fact, I don't see that gun. Try to "purge" by clicking here and it should be solved!

Hi Superpes15, thanks for your reply. Sadly, the problem remains even after purging and deleting the web cache. If I knew how to edit the article to make the thumbnail display the right image I would do it, but I haven't found any info on the matter in the Wikipedia tutorials.