As a Wikibase instance admin I want to provide my users with accurate and up-to-date documentation of the REST API so that users have a clear overview of the provided functionality.
As a beginner user of Wikibase REST API I want to have a way to practice making requests so that I can quickly try out the API
Goal: Provide Wikibase instance admins with the way to create an up-to-date version of swagger UI generated autodocs site. It should include the "Try it out" button targetting the local wiki's API -- using a provided public URL if wanted.
- for the time being the "central" version of autodocs on is to be kept as it is now
Acceptance criteria:
- It is possible to generate local copy of the REST API autodocs (e.g. npm/composer script)
- Autodocs generated with the above have "Try it out" button" that runs requests to the configured URL
- autodocs on continue to operate.. Its "Try it out" button targets the wikibase.example exemplary API.