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GitLab sessions expire frequently
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


A number of GitLab users have noticed that GitLab requires re-authentication much more often than expected. I can confirm from personal experience and that of the rest of RelEng that this seems to be the case, and we've had at least half a dozen mentions from other users.

Collecting some notes from Slack and IRC discussion:

14:13 <hashar> anyway from their doc at ,  there should be a `remember_user_token`  which is set when one uses "Remember me"
14:13 <hashar> and I don't have it ;)
14:19 <bd808> hashar: I don't have one either, but I wonder if that is due to not using their password auth more than anything else? The login flow we use never has "remember me" field that is hosted by gitlab does it?
14:19 <hashar> yeah I think that is the issue
14:20 <hashar> the auth provider is CAS OmniAuth if I got it right (which is deprecated)
14:20 <hashar> and even if check remember me on our, the cookie is not set on gitlab
14:20 <hashar> so I guess that provider doesn't set the cookie
4:22 <hashar> there is some upstream task  "Remember me cookie not set when bypassing 2fa in omniauth"
14:23 <bd808> I don't think we run with omniauth_allow_bypass_two_factor=true
14:54 <+thcipriani> we talked about it in the team meeting and I confirmed that the headers looked right for setting a cookie that *should* last 7 days (although in practice, mine doesn't seem to for whatever reason: maybe a "my weird setup" problem)
14:56 <+thcipriani> well. I confirmed at least that the "expires" looks right. On Feb 16th I got the header: set-cookie: known_sign_in=XXX; path=/; expires=Thu, 02 Mar 2023 16:21:06 GMT; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=None

Maybe related upstream:

Previous context:

See also:

Event Timeline

thcipriani subscribed.

Keeping an eye on this one.

hypothesis: 2fa seems to be expiring on the gitlab side, it goes back to idp where login is not expired, kicks you back to gitlab 2fa

@thcipriani I think that's sounds about right to me, gitlab is the only service using idp that's doing its own 2fa so we dont see this else where. im not sure there is much we can do from the idp side but happy to explore ideas if you have some

MoritzMuehlenhoff claimed this task.
MoritzMuehlenhoff subscribed.

@brennen: This is an older task and since then we've switched Gitlab authentication to the OIDC provider. I suppose this is fixed, but if anything else is needed, please reopen or create a separate task.