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Vector 2022: consider changing the entry point for the selected section of table of contents when scrolling up
Closed, DeclinedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • open a random page on a wiki with Vector 2022 skin, for exemple this one
  • scroll down, then scroll up changing section
  • section N = the section I'm reading/I can read
  • TOC = table of contents

What happens?:

  • actually the position for the "TOC title switching" (the change of the highlighted section in the TOC) is the same both when scrolling up and scrolling down. The position is at the top of the screen, just under the sticky header
  • when I scroll down, the highlighted section in the TOC is the one that occupies the entire screen, the section N. It is comfortable
  • when I scroll up, I *have the impression* the TOC is highlighting the wrong section (I have the impression of a mismatch between the TOC title and the content title) because
    • when I'm still looking at section N, the change in the TOC is made between the title of section N and the end of the section N-1: my entire screen is still occupied by section N, but the highlighted section on the TOC is already the N-1 one. So my brain is suggesting me that something is going wrong.

What should have happened instead?:

  • when I scroll down, the section highlighted is the correct one as expected
  • when I scroll up, I would like to see the section whose title I can read as the selected one, or at least the one that occupies more than 50% of the screen. Consider changing the point of the "TOC title switching" when scrolling up.

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
Scrolling up is not a so rare behaviour: as a reader, I wold like to scroll up to retrieve information, or re-read a part I've just read, but without feeling disoriented because of the TOC behaviour.

Event Timeline

In other terms, this task is about the improvement of threshold for when a section is active when scrolling up.

Discussed this further and we think the changes in T317661: [Table of contents] Increase threshold for when a section is active made this better. Based on this, we don't think we need to work on it further, so closing.

The result is good enough for me.