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Weird Lua memory error in ptwiki makes an article unable to be edited
Closed, InvalidPublicBUG REPORT


It is happening a weird bug in the article pt:Pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil. The page was with some Lua memory erros, an user reduced then the content of the article to fix that, the user related the memory errors was sometimes appearing sometimes not, another user noted that when a template was added at the top of the page all errors was gone, that is the weird part, by adding a template that uses Lua modules the memory errors disappeared, it was expected that the more modules the more memory usage and more memory errors. A third user (@Albertoleoncio) reported the Lua memory usage before 52428767/52428800 bytes and after 42455024/52428800 bytes add the template. The discussion in Portuguese is in the article talk page (feel free to comment there in English if necessary).

Now the page can not be edited, an user reported that sometimes appear an error message and sometimes the page keeps loading forever when trying to save a new edit.

Event Timeline

Now the page can not be edited, an user reported that sometimes appear an error message

@Danilo: Thanks for reporting this. For future reference, please use the bug report form (linked from the top of the task creation page) to create a bug report, and fill in the sections in the template, instead of deleting them. If there is an error message, please provide the exact error message. Thanks.

Hi, I am afraid I cannot fully follow. :( Could you please provide a list (!) of steps, provide the exact names of templates in those steps, and directly link to page revisions in those steps, plus provide the exact and full error message after these steps (and maybe a screenshot)? Thanks.

Hi, I am afraid I cannot fully follow. :( Could you please provide a list (!) of steps, provide the exact names of templates in those steps, and directly link to page revisions in those steps, plus provide the exact and full error message after these steps (and maybe a screenshot)? Thanks.

That's the main problem, the error is not easily reproducible. On some days the page loads completely, on other days part of the references are replaced by "Lua: not enough memory". I don't have screenshots available, but I do have the NewPP limit report here while it was happening.

Hi, I am afraid I cannot fully follow. :( Could you please provide a list (!) of steps, provide the exact names of templates in those steps, and directly link to page revisions in those steps, plus provide the exact and full error message after these steps (and maybe a screenshot)? Thanks.

The problem started to appear when the page underwent a complete redesign. At first, I deduced that the error was due to the amount of constantly updated templates, but the changes made the page content smaller and lighter.

The problem is that the references are partially loaded, with most of them being replaced by "Lua: not enough memory". The error appears and disappears, depending on the day.

Today I made new changes to the page and will pay attention if the error returns.

The bug apparently disappeared. I'm marking it as invalid, which seems to be more appropriate for this case.