What happens?:
Encounters this error
[1] file:///app/server/controllers/socket-controller.js:5 [1] UserModel.updateOne({ mediawikiId: data.mediawikiId }, { $set: { socketId: socket.id } }) [1] ^ [1] [1] TypeError: Cannot read property 'mediawikiId' of null
Possible Scenarios:
This happens when the developer has not entered the CLIENT_ID or CLIENT_SECRET, in the required place. Do refer the README.md, for storing the keys.
Possible Solutions:
- Store the keys in their respective place, as mentioned in the README.md.
- If you have stored the keys, and the error still persists, try opening the tool, on the icongnito mode.
- This can also happen when you have some extensions in your browser (Ex: MetaMask), which clears up your localstorage of the browser, and so the keys are not passed to the client.
Do check your localstorage, for these keys.