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clean_sandbox: Bot uses incorrect content despite script configuration
Open, HighPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue:

On Pywikibot stable (8.0.1) run: clean_sandbox -site:wikiquote:es -delay:15 -summary:"Bot: limpieza automática de la zona de pruebas"

What happens?:

The bot uses an incorrect content despite that not being the correct content. It looks it's picking the es.wikipedia config and ignoring the per-project ones.

What should have happened instead?:

Correct content used instead. All Spanish projects where configured in {1f6e93a}

Happening too in:

Software version
Pywikibot stable (db3977e) - missing 211b93e which is unrelated.

$ python3 pywikibot-core/ version -v
Pywikibot: [https] r-pywikibot-core (db3977e, g17851, 2023/03/04, 16:38:33, OUTDATED)
Release version: 8.0.1

Thank you.