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InternetArchiveBot spells Telugu month names incorrectly leading to CS1 Date error
Open, HighPublic


Affected wiki(s):

Diff(s) (if applicable):

What is happening?:
The month names in Telugu are spelt incorrectly. Because of this, when the archive-date is added to the citation by the IAbot, it is showing CS1 Date error.

What should happen instead?:
In the above cited diff, the month name in the archive-date is shown as "డిసెంబర్" wheres it should be "డిసెంబరు"

List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):

  • *

Other information:
If the relevant config file is pointed to, I can correct the month names there.

Event Timeline

Harej renamed this task from Edit this text-- Describe the problem you are having to InternetArchiveBot spells Telugu month names incorrectly leading to CS1 Date error.Mar 20 2023, 8:18 PM
Harej triaged this task as High priority.