Research team's feedback
- Existing (Wikimedia) researcher workflows can be disrupted, in some cases in significant ways.
- Recommendations: notify the researchers ASAP (Research will liaise this.) (We can include it in the June Research Report and send it to wiki-research-l and @ WikiResearch in Twitter.)
- Recommendation: consider offering geolocated IP info as part of the edit history and dumps.
- Some public and high visibility/impact bots will break and there will likely be pressure by journalists as a result of it. (e.g., which is based on
- Consider planning the messaging about the project carefully. Some will see this move as a reduction in data-sharing. Researchers are looking for more data as the Twitter API is shutting down. Of course we understand that the privacy aspect is a very strong one to build messaging around, nevertheless, we thought we flag this point given that it was discussed in our team.