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A lot of search entries are missing in core documentation
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue:

Search for backports in the documentation

What happens?:
The result is empty but the module is available through the index

What should have happened instead?:
It works with stable release:

Software version:
Pywikibot 8.1.0dev3

Maybe this is due to Sphinx 6.1 (stable uses 5.3) but it works locally

Event Timeline

Xqt triaged this task as High priority.Apr 3 2023, 11:19 AM

Change 904945 had a related patch set uploaded (by Xqt; author: Xqt):

[pywikibot/core@master] Revert "[doc] Run Sphinx 6 for creating documentation"

Change 904945 merged by Xqt:

[pywikibot/core@master] Revert "[doc] Run Sphinx 6 for creating documentation"

Looking into this as time permits. Testing locally, I can see that search works correctly with Sphinx 6.0.1 and breaks with 6.1.0. I'll look into this further and claim this task if I come up with a solution.

This is fixed in Sphinx 6.2.0 (yet to be released), specifically this PR. Essentially, 6.1.0 introduced parallelization of multiple tasks, including search index building. That turned out to be buggy and is reverted by the pull request I linked.

Sphinx (>6.1 and <6.2) only attempts to parallelize search index building when we use the -j parameter - which tells Sphinx to build using multiple processes. We started using the -j parameter when we switched to Furo because it shortened build time significantly. As a workaround, we could disable the -j parameter in CI. This would result in a longer build time (and potential timeouts), but the search index would be created correctly even in 6.1.3.

My preference would be to wait for 6.2.0 to be released (or 6.1.x if it includes the above fix) and only switch to Python 3.9/Sphinx>6.1 then.

Change 905572 had a related patch set uploaded (by KBach; author: KBach):

[pywikibot/core@master] [doc] Workaround for search index generation

Change 905572 abandoned by KBach:

[pywikibot/core@master] [doc] Workaround for search index generation


Doesn't build or fix the problem

Xqt lowered the priority of this task from High to Low.Apr 4 2023, 11:59 AM
Xqt edited projects, added Upstream; removed Patch-For-Review.
Xqt moved this task from Backlog to Upstream issues on the Pywikibot board.

My preference would be to wait for 6.2.0 to be released (or 6.1.x if it includes the above fix) and only switch to Python 3.9/Sphinx>6.1 then.

Ok. Thanks for investigation.

Change 917909 had a related patch set uploaded (by Xqt; author: Xqt):

[pywikibot/core@master] [doc] Use Sphinx >= 6.2.1

Change 917909 merged by jenkins-bot:

[pywikibot/core@master] [doc] Use Sphinx >= 6.2.1

Xqt claimed this task.