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WLM lists "Missing commons category links" and "Unused images" don't drop resolved items
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


Since ca 12 April 2023, ErfgoedBot updates of "Missing commons category links" and "Unused images" pages fail.

Czech Wikipedia pages
Missing_commons_category_links and Nevyužité obrázky are affected.

Although they add new cases correctly, solved cases do not disappear from these pages.

30 April 2023 reported at Commons:User talk:ErfgoedBot, no reaction yet.

Event Timeline

I took a look at the logs and what hit me is that there seems to be loads of Errors along the lines of (1406, "Data too long for column 'descr_nl' at row 1") and (1265, "Data truncated for column 'systemnrbyg' at row 1"). This leads me to believe that something has either changed on the db side or possibly in how we encode what is being sent to the db.

It might be a red herring though as those errors don't show up during the creation of these reporting pages but rather during the initial data harvest.

There is additionally a pywikibot error "db_hostname" present in our is no longer a supported(1) which could possibly mean there is some disconnect with respect to which database is being read from and written to. Should also nopt explain why entries are being added but not removed.

There is also one encoding error which unfortunately is also preventing me from easily processing the logs

This happens for the Dutch unused images as well like [ this page]. This happens at around April 7 2023. On April 3 it still was OK As resolved images stay on the page, I think the harvesting from the heritage lists fails. The indication of an error at column 'descr_nl' might point to a Dutch description. Maybe one of the Dutch desciptions is too long. The template involved might be nl:template:Tabelrij gemeentelijk monument . ~~~~