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Fix Skaffold failing to deploy api in wbaas-deploy
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Skaffold fails with the following error when running skaffold run -m api on a newly provisioned local cluster with an empty skaffold/.tmp.values.api.yaml file:

Starting pre-deploy hooks...
Targetting environment: local and release: api
Writing values file /home/andrew/cloud/wbaas-deploy/skaffold/.tmp.values.api.yaml
in ./helmfile.yaml: unmarshalling yaml /tmp/helmfile1948904037/default-api-values-7db9bb6964: yaml: unmarshal errors:
  line 80: mapping key "prefix" already defined at line 70

Completed pre-deploy hooks
deploying "api": install: exit status 1


Event Timeline

Andrew-WMDE renamed this task from [Upkeep] Fix Skaffold failing to deploy api in wbaas-deploy to Fix Skaffold failing to deploy api in wbaas-deploy.May 12 2023, 5:05 PM
Andrew-WMDE updated the task description. (Show Details)

For the record: I ran into the same issue, however upgrading helmfile fixed it for me where YAML parsing seems to be a bit more forgiving.

Tarrow moved this task from In Review to Done on the Wikibase Cloud (WB Cloud Sprint 20) board.
Tarrow subscribed.

Merged (and added a slightly more descriptive commit message). Since there is nothing to deploy and no more work to be done I move this straight to done

Evelien_WMDE claimed this task.