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Write data to Iceberg formatted tables (mediawiki.page_content_change)
Closed, DuplicatePublic5 Estimated Story Points


User Story
As a data engineer, I need to write the parsed content from mediawiki.page_content_change to the tables designed and implemented in
Done is:

Event Timeline

lbowmaker set the point value for this task to 5.
Antoine_Quhen removed Antoine_Quhen as the assignee of this task.
Antoine_Quhen moved this task from Next Up to In Progress on the Data Pipelines (Sprint 14) board.
Antoine_Quhen moved this task from In Progress to Next Up on the Data Pipelines (Sprint 14) board.
Antoine_Quhen subscribed.
Antoine_Quhen renamed this task from Write data to Iceberg formatted tables to Write data to Iceberg formatted tables (mediawiki.page_content_change).May 25 2023, 4:06 PM

This does indeed seem to be a duplicate of T335860: Implement job to transform mediawiki.page_content_change, but I won't merge them until others can have a look.