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Aid Wikibase administrators to pick and then set their license and terms of service
Open, MediumPublic

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This would definitely need more understanding.
At the moment, the way this is facilitated, is by basically creating the page linked under "Terms of Use" in creation pages such as for items, properties and lexemes. We already see people using their homepage to explain the Wikibase content, show examples and explain the license and terms of use. Going to move this slightly lower on the list since it's not "breaking" and we're currently addressing mostly scaling issues as well as challenges with getting started with their Wikibase.

Anton.Kokh triaged this task as Medium priority.Tue, Jun 11, 3:27 PM

The license is now part of the Learning about Wikibases initiative (one of the metadata we should be storing for instances - see full list here).
We need it to be measurable, so just free-text on a MediaWiki page is not sufficient.

The textual description of the permissions and terms of use will follow (and can be partly generated based on the chosen option for the property).