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Translation + Growth newcomer homepage
Open, LowPublic


User story & summary:

As a new account holder, I want to find a variety of easy contribution options (like Content translation) from my homepage, so that I can successfully edit and contribute to Wikipedia.

As an admin, I want to be able to enable or disable presenting a Content translation module or task from the newcomer Homepage.

  • AKA: Depending on the Community configuration set in Special:EditGrowthConfig, a translation task will or will not be available on the newcomer homepage.
Background & research:

The Growth team has been working on Structured Tasks as a way to help onboard newcomers, onboard new types of editors, and create edit opportunities that work well on mobile. Adding a translation suggested edit or a translation call-to-action from the newcomer homepage fits within Growth team goals, and could be fairly low effort improvement.

The Growth team will investigate if Section Translation and/or Content Translation make sense as additions to the newcomer homepage.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given the Content translation task is enabled in the Community configuration for my wiki.
When I have the newcomer homepage enabled,
Then I can see a call to action or suggested edit to Translate articles (or article sections)