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Please add mediawiki-i18n-check-docker to repository mediawiki/gadgets/WikiEdit
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Please add mediawiki-i18n-check-docker to gate-and-submit-l10n for repository mediawiki/gadgets/WikiEdit

Event Timeline

Change 927122 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hashar; author: Hashar):

[integration/config@master] mediawiki/gadgets/WikiEdit: add i18n checks

Change 927122 merged by jenkins-bot:

[integration/config@master] mediawiki/gadgets/WikiEdit: add i18n checks

hashar claimed this task.
hashar subscribed.

The repository already grants the rights to the l10n bot:,access

I have deployed the CI configuration then manually added the change as if l10n-bot proposed it using:

$ ssh
zuul enqueue --trigger gerrit --pipeline gate-and-submit-l10n --project mediawiki/gadgets/WikiEdit --change 925734,1

The job passed and CI has successfully merged the //Localisation updates from change

Further improvement is to add npm ci && npm test to the repository. That requires a package-lock.json to be added to the repository and of course eslint should pass since it does not currently. But that is another task :)