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Vector 2022: lack of menu(s) using iMAC OSX 10.7.5
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • log in, using Vector 2022 and the configuration described below
  • open a random article on the French Wikipedia, for exemple this one.

What happens?:
the user reported that when he is using Vector 2022 (or when he change skin from Vector to Vector 2022) the main menu (sidebar) disappears but no burger menu is present instead.
He probably has problems with the Tools menu too, he can't see it nor found the "Tools" when collapsed (talk).
He can't see where are collapsed menus despite being helped and provided with screenshots.

What should have happened instead?:
He should be able to find links, menus and icons using Vector 2022.

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

He reported this issue among other issues which beginned when Wikipedia changed his appearance ("ce désagrément certain a dû apparaître au moment où Wikipédia a modifié sa présentation")
This user has low tech skills and has other problems especially with JS (probably Javascript deactivated)

His configuration: Mozilla Firefox iMAC OSX version 10.7.5, screen 21.5 inches

Event Timeline

iMAC OSX version 10.7.5

That's a version of MacOS that was first released in 2011, so it's not surprising that things start breaking in that case.

Mozilla Firefox iMAC OSX version 10.7.5,

Firefox 45.9.0esr and 48.0.2 were the last supported versions, released six years ago. says that this means "Basic (Grade C)" support.

Thank you @TheDJ and @Aklapper for the links, I expected such an answer. So you can close this task.

Jdlrobson claimed this task.