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Make acoustic development dev-friendly
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Our Acoustic export has relied on some pretty messy work on the dev side to test. I think Elliott had a way of getting it to work & this was my way - (Elliott said he also used the civicrm docker service for testing so possibly similar).

Without Elliott we need someone else to be able to work on review so it might be work cleaning this up a bit.

Some work has been done on a docker image here - although it stalled & that is a fairly ambitious piece.

Things we need

  1. a service, being it our civicrm one or a new one running python-3 & tox - ie
 apt update
 apt install python3-pip
apt install tox
  1. ideally also run pip3 install -r /srv/tools/requirements.txt on this service
  1. a datbase called test with an associated user with broad privelleges

. `CREATE database test;`
. `CREATE USER test@%;`
. `GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test.* TO test@%;`

  1. a database to be created (called silverpop )

Note a BETTER alternative to 3 is to stop having to create test via minimal_schema.mysql and instead interact with the mysql db directly. I'm not too sure what would be involved.... - it is loaded in def run_update_with_fixtures(fixture_path=None, fixture_queries=None):


Event Timeline

Change 936103 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jgleeson; author: Jgleeson):

[wikimedia/fundraising/dev@master] Add config for new fundraising-tools service container

Are we happy to move this to pending deployment?

Change 936103 merged by Jgleeson:

[wikimedia/fundraising/dev@master] Add config for new fundraising-tools service container

XenoRyet set Final Story Points to 8.