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CI on mediawiki-config should assert that the logos.php is generated by logos/
Open, Needs TriagePublic


When working on T341407, I noticed that logos.php is out of sync with logos/config.yaml, running the command tox -e logos -- update thwiki generated some unrelated changes to the wordmark and tagline file, and the logos.php.
I then have to restore unintended changes manually.

Commit 5d59bd63 updated some wordmarks and taglines without svg optimizations implemented in logos/, File:Wikipedia-wordmark-th.svg and File:Wikipedia-tagline-th.svg didn't get updated while the config file listed them as the source of wordmark and tagline.

I suggest CI on the mediawiki-config repo should assert that the logos.php is generated by logos/, so unexpected changes to production can be avoided if we are updating them massively like a6a92b4f for T338162.
They should have been also running into this issue if they are using, but maybe they didn't use or restored unintended changes manually.