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The tooltip for the temporary watch star does not contain information about access key ([w])
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • Disable Javascript, so that the tooltips can't be updated by jquery.accessKeyLabel;
  • Open a page (eg. The title for ca-watch link is "Add this page to your watchlist [w]";
  • Watch it permanently. The title for ca-unwatch link is "Remove this page from your watchlist [w]".
  • Unwatch and watch for a week.

What happens?:
The title for ca-unwatch link is "7 days left in your watchlist. Click to remove it.".

What should have happened instead?:
The title for ca-unwatch link should be "7 days left in your watchlist. Click to remove it. [w]".

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia)

Event Timeline

Change 936371 had a related patch set uploaded (by 沈澄心; author: 沈澄心):

[mediawiki/core@master] Linker: fix missing accesskey when tooltip is modified

I'm unable to replicate the issue described in the ticket following the replication steps here. What am I missing? (note JS is disabled)

Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 4.06.29 PM.png (882×2 px, 298 KB)


I'm unable to replicate the issue described in the ticket following the replication steps here. What am I missing? (note JS is disabled)

Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 4.06.29 PM.png (882×2 px, 298 KB)

Try to view the title in the inspector?

image.png (1×2 px, 504 KB)

Jdlrobson renamed this task from Accesskey is missing when tooltip is modified to The tooltip for the temporary watch star does not contain information about access key ([w]).Jul 14 2023, 5:59 PM
Jdlrobson triaged this task as Low priority.
Jdlrobson added a project: Web-Team-Backlog.
Jdlrobson moved this task from Incoming to Current Fiscal Year on the Web-Team-Backlog board.

Test wiki created on Patch demo by 沈澄心 using patch(es) linked to this task:

Change 936371 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] Skin: Use different single-id for edit/create and (un)watch links

matmarex assigned this task to Dringsim.
matmarex subscribed.

Test wiki on Patch demo by 沈澄心 using patch(es) linked to this task was deleted: