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Wikimania Hackathon 2023: Logistics
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Group coordinator is: @Robertsky

This is a task to collect ideas and progress from the group of volunteers who agreed to help with event logistics at Wikimania Hackathon 2023 in Singapore.

Volunteer roles

  • Help with event logistics (e.g., moving things around, changing room setup between plenary and hacking, etc.)
  • Be active in the Wikimania Hackathon 2023 Volunteers Telegram channel dedicated to volunteers and participate in in-person syncs at the beginning of each day during the Hackathon.

Coordinator roles

  • Be a point of contact for the volunteer group and lead coordination efforts!
  • Reach out to potential volunteers informing them about their roles and responsibilities and asking them to subscribe to this Phabricator task to stay up to date.
  • Sync up with volunteers of your group at the beginning of each day during the event and provide the necessary support to volunteers & organizers.
  • After the event, ensure no volunteering-related task remains to be resolved on Phabricator. Send a thank you message to volunteers.

Event Timeline

I will be bringing my devices for streaming to YouTube for the morning sessions. The setup will be similar to

Thanks for participating in the Hackathon! We hope you had a great time.
Assuming this activity took place and no further followup is needed, thus resolving this task.