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Making Gift Coding Changes to gifts in July
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After we complete the changes to gift coding, Restrictions, Gift Sources, and Financial type, we'll need assistance updating gift coding for July gifts.

I'm creating this as a placeholder task for when we're ready!

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. ยท View Herald TranscriptAug 10 2023, 6:25 PM

Adding some notes about what exactly this will become after all the other changes have taken place. These changes will affect all gifts going back to the fiscal year July 1, 2023 unless stated otherwise.

Financial type for recurring gifts will need to be changed to Recurring Gift for the first and Recurring Gift - Cash for the subsequent
*How far back does this change need to go? @JMando @MSuijkerbuijk_WMF

Gift source for online gifts will be updated to Online Gifts, then disable community gift and benefactor gift sources from civi

Preferably all changes would only go back as far as July 1, 2023 so as to not require anymore reporting code changes.

@Eileenmcnaughton let's chat in sprint planning to see if we need to do anything else to unblock.

Anything from July 1 with financial type of 'Cash' or Recurring gift (actually anything with source of Community gift or benefactor gift) needs to be updated to have gift source online gift

@Eileenmcnaughton All of the recurring gifts will need to be updated to the financial type Recurring Gift (for the first) or Recurring Gift -Cash for all others

Change 961691 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ejegg; author: Eileen):

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] First update in the financial type

Change 962708 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eileen; author: Eileen):

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Update community gift & Benefactor gift

Change 962721 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eileen; author: Eileen):

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Remove lingering references to Community Gift, Benefactor gift

Change 962722 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eileen; author: Eileen):

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Add code to 'fill' (INSERT) missing gift sources (campaign) data

Change 961691 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] First update in the financial type

Change 962708 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Update community gift & Benefactor gift

Change 962722 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Add code to 'fill' (INSERT) missing gift sources (campaign) data

Change 962721 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Remove lingering references to Community Gift, Benefactor gift

Change 963190 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eileen; author: Eileen):

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Add code comments cos it's way too unintuitive to remember

Change 963190 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Add code comments cos it's way too unintuitive to remember

Change 963417 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eileen; author: Eileen):

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Fix SQL default on Gift_Data.campaign (gift source)

Change 963417 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Fix SQL default on Gift_Data.campaign (gift source)

Moved to done as this is running through - but we should check this query returns nothing before closing

SELECT count(*) FROM    civicrm_contribution a          
LEFT JOIN civicrm_contribution c2 ON c2.contribution_recur_id = a.contribution_recur_id     AND c2.receive_date < a.receive_date    
 LEFT JOIN `civicrm_value_1_gift_data_7` Gift_Data     ON = Gift_Data.entity_id WHERE `a`.`receive_date` > "20230701000000"   AND `a`.`contribution_recur_id` > 0    
  AND `a`.`financial_type_id` NOT IN(32)   AND `a`.`is_test` = 0   AND IS NOT NULL;