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Possibilty to pass a default Commons Category in the URL
Closed, ResolvedPublicFeature


Feature summary (what you would like to be able to do and where):

It will be very useful if we can have in the url a new parameter to pass a Commons Category in which the video will be uploaded.

Use case(s) (list the steps that you performed to discover that problem, and describe the actual underlying problem which you want to solve. Do not describe only a solution):

Currently, the user has to define what is the category to be used when uploading the video but for users who are not familiar with Commons Categories it will be very useful to have a URL that contains a pre-defined category and communicate this url to upload videos and so the user won't have to input the category manually.

Benefits (why should this be implemented?):

This can help to set up Video campaigns on Commons very easily

Event Timeline

Gopavasanth added a subscriber: Reputation22.

Thanks @Yamen for creating this feature request as per our discussion in Wikimania, we will take this and implement in the upcoming weeks.

Hi @Reputation22, As discussed over telegram, please implement this feature in the tool.

For more info:

Example URL:

If users use the tool with the above link in their campaigns to upload videos to Commons, Category: WikiLovesMonuments has to get automatically added to the metadata... along with the VideoCutTool default category.

Change 952543 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reputation22; author: Reputation22):

[labs/tools/VideoCutTool@master] Add support to pass category in url params

Hi @Yamen and @Gopavasanth

Thanks for a new feature request. We understand that you need this feature for the campaign, and so here's the patch regarding this. 952543
We will merge this as soon as possible.

Feel free to add yourself as cc to the patch to get updates regarding it.

Thanks for the patience

Change 952543 abandoned by Reputation22:

[labs/tools/VideoCutTool@master] Add support to pass category in url params


master has changed a lot :(

i'll rewrite this stuff up on top of new master asap. Sorry for the delay.

Thank you for your patience :)

Change 955835 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reputation22; author: Reputation22):

[labs/tools/VideoCutTool@master] Add support to pass category in url params

Hey @Reputation22 since the codebase has been updated in master, this patch needs refinement. Can you please rebase changes again at the Gitlab? Thanks!

At the last stage, Note URL looks something like but make sure to store the categories from URL slug ?categories=WikiLovesMonuments before it gets redirected to new URL..

Hello @Reputation22 ,
Thank you very much and wish you All a happy new year.
I tried to test this but I think it's not working correctly. After selecting the video, the category is no longer displayed in the url, and in the last step I can see the following category:



Hi @Yamen

It should work with these parameters in the URL:<title>&category=<category1>&category=<category2>


More info at: Readme: