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ARM64 Support in Dev workflow for Elasticsearch
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Goal: Make it possible to build, test, and run Wikibase Suite "out of the box" as a dev

Current Situation: Currently running on an M1 Mac with ARM64 architecture everything builds and runs on the WMDE11 release except Elasticsearch which needs version 7.10.2-arm64 instead of 7.10.2. This can be configured locally by overriding ELASTIC_VERSION in local.env, but that same version env var is used to tag the WMF Elasticsearch Highlighting plugin which doesn't have (or need) a platform-specific version. There are a few ways to handle this, but the simplest may be to simply add a ELASTIC_HIGHLIGHT_PLUGIN_VERSION env var and back-update previous WMDE versions in versions/WMDx.env to specify this (which will be just a copy of the value the ELASTIC_VERSION in those versions).

Event Timeline

lojo_wmde renamed this task from ARM64 Support in Dev workflow to ARM64 Support in Dev workflow for Elasticsearch.Sep 1 2023, 10:43 AM