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Tab not marked as active if header name contains international characters
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Part from the actual switching (between tabs) the header is also visually marked as active. If the header name contains only us-ascii characters everything works as expected however a header containing international characters such as our Scandinavian åäö multiple clicks are required to mark the tab as active.

Been able to reproduce the issue at smw sandbox --> where tabs Foo and Bar works fine, but Räksmörgås does not.

Event Timeline

Change 950814 had a related patch set uploaded (by Yaron Koren; author: Yaron Koren):

[mediawiki/extensions/HeaderTabs@master] Fix handling of tab names with non-ASCII characters

Change 950814 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/HeaderTabs@master] Fix handling of tab names with non-ASCII characters

Yaron_Koren claimed this task.
Yaron_Koren subscribed.

I think this is fixed now. Sorry about that problem! And thanks for reporting it. I wonder how long it's been there... it definitely was not always a problem.

I think this is fixed now. Sorry about that problem! And thanks for reporting it. I wonder how long it's been there... it definitely was not always a problem.

It's still not completely fixed. Now the manual switching works fine, but when refreshing the page with a non-ascii tab activated, it goes back to the page without that tab activated. And also the 'returnto=' function doesn't work in the Page Forms extensions with the non-ascii tab.

Change 951864 had a related patch set uploaded (by Yaron Koren; author: Yaron Koren):

[mediawiki/extensions/HeaderTabs@master] Another fix for tab names with non-ASCII characters

Change 951864 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/HeaderTabs@master] Another fix for tab names with non-ASCII characters

@KloudZ - thanks for pointing that out; I think this is now fixed too.

@KloudZ - thanks for pointing that out; I think this is now fixed too.

Perfect now!

Would it be possible to have these fixes merged into the 1.39+ branches ?

Anyone could do it... but is it really important? Why not just use the master branch?

Well correct me if wrong, but master seem very much bleeding edge and therefor perhaps not ideal for automatic builds ?

In theory that's true, yes... in practice, I'd say there's just as much chance that a REL branch will be broken as that master will, for this extension. That said, I'd be happy to accept any fix patches to any previous branches.