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{Machine Readability} Add short description
Closed, ResolvedPublic


User Story/ies

As a user, I need easy access to a short description of an article, to provide a quick definition or help with entity disambiguation.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Add short descriptions to Structured Contents (beta) endpoint prod.


  • Fetch wikipedia short descriptions, if not available fall back on Wikidata descriptions.

To Do's

  • The Summary endpoint, which was investigated to create Summaries (docs available, check with team), also has short description included. Since we are setting up a joint library, check wether this is available in the library and if it would make sense to have it included in the future -- no it isn't
  • Investigate how short description was added in Summary endpoint, what are the access methods (both Rest and Action is mentioned in the docs, for us Action makes more sense, since we already use this) and whether there is any extra logic used:
  • investigate schema naming (eg Naming in schema:
  • Bring the findings back to tech session and decide on approach and schema. Is there a difference with current approach and ideal approach?
  • Document the findings
  • Add short description to Structured Contents dev
  • PMs and 1 other engineer to manual QA
  • Add to Structured Contents prod
  • Update necessary docs (swagger, data disctionary, json schema and SDK)


Event Timeline

@JArguello-WMF @SDelbecque-WMF can we tick off the boxes, except for the last two. We've completed the other tasks