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Security Issue Access Request for kamila
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Phabricator Username: kamila

Reasons For Request: I'm in SRE (ServiceOps), so non-public incidents are often my problem

Event Timeline

sbassett changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Sep 5 2023, 4:56 PM
sbassett assigned this task to Mstyles.
sbassett triaged this task as Medium priority.
sbassett added a project: SecTeam-Processed.
sbassett moved this task from Incoming to In Progress on the Security-Team board.
sbassett added subscribers: Kappakayala, sbassett.

Confirmed user has MFA enabled:

mfa.png (58×472 px, 15 KB)

Per Namely, manager listed as @Kappakayala.

Mstyles moved this task from In Progress to Our Part Is Done on the Security-Team board.

Security access has been granted