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Consider making the report intake agnostic as to whether the reporter is the target of harassment
Open, Needs TriagePublic


When we talk about the incident report system, most of the time we have in mind that the person filing the incident report is also the target of the abuse that they are reporting.

But there's another use case that might be worth supporting: someone sees an abusive conversation happening between two other users, and reports the comment using the incident report application.

From my reading, the only thing we'd need to change in our existing verbiage is this line:

If you feel safe doing so, you can try talking to the person bothering you.

Perhaps to something like:

If you feel safe doing so, you can try talking to the person who you are reporting.

Aside from that minor copy change, the other thing we'd want to do is document "third party reporting" as a valid use case for this tool, so that we don't inadvertently introduce assumptions that only the direct target of abuse can use the report intake form.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Change 964582 had a related patch set uploaded (by Kosta Harlan; author: Kosta Harlan):

[mediawiki/extensions/ReportIncident@master] i18n: Wording update for step 1

Change 964582 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/ReportIncident@master] i18n: Wording update for step 1

Dreamy_Jazz renamed this task from Consider making the report intake agnostics as to whether the reporter is the target of harassment to Consider making the report intake agnostic as to whether the reporter is the target of harassment.Oct 23 2023, 10:46 PM

@kostajh has the third-party documenting been completed or where do you think this should be added?

@kostajh has the third-party documenting been completed or where do you think this should be added?

I think documenting that use-case could be done in T346436: [S] Write contents of Help:ReportIncident (cc @Madalina)