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Outreachy/Round 27 WikiCurricula, an interface to represent curricula data
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Brief summary

Wikidata for Education is a curricula digitisation project aiming to align Wikimedia projects with school curricula with the help of Wikidata. Piloted in Ghana, the project proved the concept that Wikibase software helps structure curricula data. The model was later replicated in Uruguay. Wikimedistas de Uruguay was able to show the data with the help of an interface developed by Wikimedia Italy's project Wikipedia e la Scuola Italiana. It consists of a static website that visually represents the data stored in a TSV file, plus a Python script that generates this TSV by calling different APIs

The implementation of this tool in Uruguay additionaly takes advantage of Wikidata for Education, Wikimedia's initiative to digtize curriculum data. Currently, this process is done manually: we make a query at Wikidata Query Service to obtain the curriculum topics, we download the data, clean it, and run the Python script.

Skills required


  • Basic web development skills.
  • Intermediate proficiency in any programming language, preferably Python
  • Being comfortable around databases, spreadsheets and datasets
  • Basic Git usage


  • Familiarity with SQL/SPARQL/Wikidata Query Service
  • Experience with d3js library
  • Basic understanding of Spanish or Italian as the project is mostly documented in Spanish or Italian

Possible mentor(s)

Technical Mentor: @Piracalamina
Project Mentor: @SPatnaik



  • Make a local install of Wikicurrícula Boilerplate. Write down the instructions at the Readme file. The visualization is a static HTML+CSS+JS. The data-gathering folder contains scripts that are run manually.
  • Translate the boilerplate's interface to English
  • Make a data gathering script that can work with articles from the English Wikipedia
  • Write instructions at the Readme file on how to feed the visualization with data from a new curriculum. The instructions should include building and running the Wikidata query.
  • In the Spanish version of the data-gathering script, the feature that counts the templates (avisi) added to an article is not working. Fix and enable this feature.
  • Implement - and if possible, deploy! - Wikicurricula for Ghana's national curriculum, with reference to the English Wikipedia. Document the process at the boilerplate project, or improve the documentation that has been previously written. Which parts of this process are the most cumbersome? What can we change in the code, or automate, so that new implementations are easier? If you come up with any ideas, write a Github issue
  • In the visualization, make it possible to order the articles in the x axis by number of references
  • Create a view that shows the curriculum topics that don't have an article in the analyzed Wikipedia (topics of Uruguay's curriculum that don't have an article in the Spanish Wikipedia, topics of the Ghana's curriculum that don't have an article in the English Wikipedia)
  • Provide additional features to the dashboard, by showing lists, relevant picture, able to show previous and after courses.

You can also reach out to us on Telegram @Saileshpat
Find further information around the project in T347405: WikiCurricula, an interface to represent curricula data.

Event Timeline

Hey @SPatnaik We appreciate your project proposal submission for this internship round, and we're thrilled to have you aboard!

Kindly complete the proposal submission next steps:

If you have any questions on the next steps, don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you!

Maryann-Onyinye changed the visibility from "Public (No Login Required)" to "acl*outreachy-mentors (Project)".Sep 27 2023, 2:18 PM

Hi @SPatnaik and @Piracalamina

Thank you for your submission on the Outreachy website. Kindly confirm which of the 2 tasks would be used for the Outreachy project. Would it be this - or this - If it's the latter, we'll need to update the description accordingly, and if it's the former, your submission on the Outreachy website will need to be edited. Your confirmation will help us proceed accordingly.

Also, Please help promote it via the mailing lists. You can simply reply to the thread here:


Maryann-Onyinye changed the visibility from "acl*outreachy-mentors (Project)" to "Public (No Login Required)".

Adding back Outreach-Programs-Projects as tasks need to have a project tag in order to be found