Common information
- dashboard:
- description: Cloudvirt node cloudvirt1051 is down.
- runbook:
- summary: #page The cloudvirt node cloudvirt1051 is unreachable. This is a
major outage that requires you to either restore the server or evacuate manually the VMs on it.
- alertname: NodeDown
- cluster: wmcs
- instance: cloudvirt1051:9100
- job: node
- prometheus: ops
- severity: page
- site: eqiad
- source: prometheus
- team: wmcs
Firing alerts
- dashboard:
- description: Cloudvirt node cloudvirt1051 is down.
- runbook:
- summary: #page The cloudvirt node cloudvirt1051 is unreachable. This is a
major outage that requires you to either restore the server or evacuate manually the VMs on it.
- alertname: NodeDown
- cluster: wmcs
- instance: cloudvirt1051:9100
- job: node
- prometheus: ops
- severity: page
- site: eqiad
- source: prometheus
- team: wmcs
- Source