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Think of better ways to promote community channels for new users
Open, MediumPublicFeature


We would like to find new ways to include links to our community channels. New Wikibase Cloud users should be able to find their ways onto community channels easily.

This will entail a brainstorm on how to revamp the dashboard, as well as an additional section in the welcome email.

Event Timeline

Anton.Kokh triaged this task as Medium priority.Tue, Jun 11, 3:27 PM

Note to self:
Had a conversation with @jon_amar-WMDE about the fact that we have this information in multiple places already which is going out of sync: wikiba, cloud contact page, this.
If we establish yet another place to guide users to communities, it will become even more out of sync.
We should make sure that we have one single source of truth for this kind of info - whether on the technical level, or at least to refer to when implementing new places.

In fairness the contact page links to cloud resources, while the other two are about Wikibase as a software project.

I would suggest additionally linking the contact page to the wiki for general Wikibase questions, and making that the central location, as that's the one place the community can easily update if needed - rather than putting stuff about Cloud elsewhere (as it's ultimately just one more user of Wikibase, if a big one, and already has its own wiki pages).