Common information
- dashboard:
- description: Ceph cluster in has slow ops, which might be blocking some writes
- runbook:
- summary: Ceph cluster in has 910 slow ops
- alertname: CephSlowOps
- cluster: misc
- deployment: eqiad1
- job: ceph_eqiad
- prometheus: cloud
- service: ceph,cloudvps
- severity: critical
- site: eqiad
- source: prometheus
- team: wmcs
Firing alerts
- dashboard:
- description: Ceph cluster in has slow ops, which might be blocking some writes
- runbook:
- summary: Ceph cluster in has 910 slow ops
- alertname: CephSlowOps
- cluster: misc
- deployment: eqiad1
- job: ceph_eqiad
- prometheus: cloud
- service: ceph,cloudvps
- severity: critical
- site: eqiad
- source: prometheus
- team: wmcs
- Source