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Delay in loading all elements in language switcher is consistently causing misclicks
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • Open the language switcher on Wikipedia
  • Click on one of the languages you want to switch to
  • ~ the "Missing languages" section dynamically loads and repositions the list of all languages ~
  • You have now clicked on the wrong language because the position changes just as you tried to click on it.

What happens?:

At lest 90% of the time when I am trying to switch languages using the language switcher, I end up going to the wrong one, because the instant before I click on the language I want to switch to, the "Missing languages" section dynamically renders, and repositions all the languages, so I end up clicking on the wrong language.

What should have happened instead?:

Never dynamically load sections of anything that anyone is wanting to click on. Please render the whole language switcher in one go, so that the contents don't get repositioned dynamically while people are trying to click on something.

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):
Using WIkipedia

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
This has been happening for months now. So every version of FIrefox that has been released in the last few months.

image.png (451×353 px, 23 KB)
The offending section is in the red box. If for example I was trying to click on the Catalan language link, then the "Missing languages" section would appear, and push everything down by a few pixels, and I'd end up clicking on the Arabic language link instead, which is not where I wanted to go.