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Write a tool that converts IGUANA test results into tabular data suited for analysis needs
Closed, ResolvedPublic


IGUANA does output its test results as RDF (e.g. result.nt), this format is not particularly easy to manipulate for a data analyst.
We should write a small tool that based on a IGUANA test output is able to generate a tabular dataset with the following columns:

dataset_namequery_idendpointtotalsuccesserrorstimeoutstotalTimeQPS...(more to add)

We might consider loading the result into a sparql engine like jena and use a SPARQL query to extract all this.


  • Decide and document the set of metrics we want to extract from IGUANA
  • A standard IGUANA suite yaml file is created (will be used as a reference to create the actual test suite config)
  • A tool is available to convert the result file into a CSV file

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