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User Empowerment: Ticket for Highlighting and Note-Taking Enhancements
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Enhancing the Wiki app with personal notations(downloading notations in CSV format), highlighting sentences, adding sticky notes, and bookmarking sections within articles.

The user' detailed email as follows:
"Firstly, LOVE the Wiki app and all the important you guys do to keep it running! but if theres any way a feature could be added for ""Personal notations"" within my saved articles such as highliting sentences,
add personal sticky notes throughout an article
and bookmarking sections within an article ... my life would be complete.. especially if I could download my notations in CSV (but that feels like I'm asking too much)

Forever yours

P.S. Thanks for actually reading and I promise I donated! I'll happily buy a coffee for the dev assigned this feature request and even for the person reading/creating this ticket!"