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[Feature] Editing a site settings using MW interface
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


Feature summary: Allow site admin to edit site's settings using MediaWiki interface

Use case: In some cases, I wanted to changes my site's settings using the WB.C dashboard, but most of the basic settings cannot be accessed or alter without requiring helps from peoples like Valerie. We have thinked about implements those settings to the dashboard itself, but the fastest way to do this, I believe was something like how Miraheze has implemented their ManageWiki extension, as our project is also something like a "wiki farms", but for Wikibase instead.

Benefits: Welp, if we can somehow implement that fr, site admin can changes site settings when nessesary, without requiring helps from the WMDE.

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Uh... I'm not suppose to say m@n@gewiki isn't it?

Edit: The automated trigger was not suppose to happen.

Hey @Pisces , thanks for bringing this up!
Can you name some of the settings you'd think most important to include here, so we can spec out what this should look like and batch up the implementation? Thanks!

Hey @Pisces , thanks for bringing this up!
Can you name some of the settings you'd think most important to include here, so we can spec out what this should look like and batch up the implementation? Thanks!

You may look at my example here for some basic settings, which include:

  • Site name
  • Site MAIN language
  • Descriptions - maybe useful for the Discovery page
  • Logos and favicons
  • And some more techical, but basic for the instance which can be edited only by WMDE or by requests.

And also, in other pages, the user can also have some additional settings, like advanced settings, extensions and more to that.

So one thing I'll note is that the limited access to settings is by design.
The idea of Wikibase cloud is it can easily scale to 1000s etc of wikibases and the limited set of functionality changes helps that.
MediaWiki and Wikibase individual settings are often far to fine grained to be useful when exposed to a wide group of users, and allowing free access to the settings can have undesired consequences.
The more settings that are exposed, and the more differently configured wikis the harder platform maintenance is.

@Evelien_WMDE responded and asked the perfect first question IMO,
Which settings! :)

So one thing I'll note is that the limited access to settings is by design.
The idea of Wikibase cloud is it can easily scale to 1000s etc of wikibases and the limited set of functionality changes helps that.
MediaWiki and Wikibase individual settings are often far to fine grained to be useful when exposed to a wide group of users, and allowing free access to the settings can have undesired consequences.
The more settings that are exposed, and the more differently configured wikis the harder platform maintenance is.

@Evelien_WMDE responded and asked the perfect first question IMO,
Which settings! :)

I noticed that. However we could also just add those settings to the dashboard itself, which will limit the usage to the site founder only.

So here, I thinked about something: We may, require people to pass an certain test, or type in a "correct passphare" which can be found somewhere in the documentation. It just me being myself tho, so feels free to throw me some bricks.