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Revert dbstore migration from puppet7 to puppet5
Closed, DeclinedPublic


@MoritzMuehlenhoff @BTullis can we please revert dbstore back to puppet 5 until the parent task is fixed?
Right now, new dbstores aren't showing up in Orchestrator and they'd not get schema changes as we run them from cumin1001.

Event Timeline

Marostegui renamed this task from Revert dbstore migration to puppet7 to Revert dbstore migration from puppet7 to puppet5.Jan 5 2024, 10:55 AM
Marostegui created this task.
BTullis added a project: Data-Platform-SRE.

I've got no problem with this. I think that I can run the rollback steps from T349619.

I am not sure if that'll bring us everything back or we'll need to do something with the mariadb certificates too cc @ABran-WMF

Just for reference, I think that we are still undecided on whether this roll-back is necessary, or whether we will be able to fix-forward with regard to orchestrator.
See T352974#9446142 for some next steps, but if it looks like we are unable to get orchestrator to work with puppet 7 then I will roll back the dbstore versions as requested.

BTullis changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Jan 9 2024, 3:34 PM
BTullis triaged this task as High priority.

@Marostegui @ABran-WMF With deployed, these are good to remain on Puppet 7 and the task can be declined, or did you run into further issues?

Good to decline! We can always reopen if needed.
Thank you Ben for the help you've provided troubleshooting the issue!