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Add dark mode
Closed, ResolvedPublicFeature


Probably make use of the prefers-color-scheme mediaquery.

Also investigate the use of VueUse's useDark() (since we already use VueUse elsewhere, we shouldn't mind using some of its other features :D)

GSoC2024 > March

Hello @Shashankmittaliitbhu . This microtask was selected as a proof of involvement task to ensure you can :

  • clone the repository
  • find your way in the project's code
  • make minor modification
  • create a PR.

Since we are still in the project application phase and out of respect for applicants, please do not over-invest energy in this task.

Following your request T360170, you have access to the project's gitlab :

Welcome and good luck : )

Event Timeline

Hi and thank you for your interest! Please check thoroughly (and all of its communication section!). The page covers how to get started, assigning tasks, task status, how to find a codebase, how to create patches, where to ask general development questions and where to get help with setup problems, and how to ask good questions. Thanks a lot! :)

@Poslovitch I have been trying to get my WikiMedia Developer Account approved. If you the project Administrator for this project
Kindly approve my account so that I can fork and clone the repository and start contributing.
WikiMedia Developer Account username: shashankmittal

I am also interested in contributing to the Lingua Libre v3.0 enhancement and migration project as part of the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program.
I have been actively contributing to another Wikimedia Foundation project, Scribe, specifically within the Scribe-Data and Scribe-Server repositories. My work on Scribe has involved tasks related to both frontend and backend development, including the use of SPARQL queries to extract data from Wikidata. I believe that my experience with Scribe aligns well with the requirements of the Lingua Libre v3.0 project.
Here is the link to my GitHub Account:

Hello @Shashankmittaliitbhu , happy to see you are applying here.
Issue related to :

Hey @Yug , Thanks for your reply!
will definitely checkout the

If I am not wrong, this is the repository link :
I could not seem to sign in to GitLab, since my account is not verified by the administrator.
Can you please look into this?

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 4.57.42 AM.png (662×1 px, 178 KB)

If I am not wrong, this is the repository link :
I could not seem to sign in to GitLab, since my account is not verified by the administrator.
Can you please look into this?

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 4.57.42 AM.png (662×1 px, 178 KB)

Yug updated the task description. (Show Details)
Yug updated the task description. (Show Details)