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Remember usage and license note confirmation for temporary accounts on Wikidata Bridge
Open, Needs TriagePublic


We show a usage and license message on Wikidata Bridge to inform the user that their contributons will be released under a certain license. The user can check a box to not be bothered about it again. We store this confirmation for IPs and logged-in users but not temporary accounts.


With IP Masking we should remember a temporary account's confirmation of the license note so that they are not bothered each time they make an edit.


image.png (488×508 px, 53 KB)

If a user who isn't logged into Wikidata and has temporary accounts enabled and checks the box "do not show this message again", we should remember this confirmation and not show the message for them again.

GIVEN a user who isn't logged into Wiklidata and has temporary accounts are enabled
AND a Usage and License note on Wikidata Bridge
WHEN they check the "do not show this message again" box
THEN do not show the message again

Acceptance criteria:

  • The Usage and License note on Wikidata Bridge are no longer shown to users with temporary accounts who have accepted the license terms