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ipoid logs not visible in Logstash
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After merging the MRs in T351430: Improve logging for ipoid app to use Elastic Common Search scheme, we no longer see any of those logs in Logstash. contains a link to the "Discover" view in Logstash where I've filtered out a bunch of noise, but can't find any trace of the updated logs.

Event Timeline

kostajh triaged this task as High priority.Jan 17 2024, 4:56 PM
kostajh created this task.

Using the orchestrator.namespace: ipoid filter instead of ipoid works but only the logs for ipoid-production-daily-updates appear.

I'll dig into why the main app logs aren't showing up.

The main app logs aren't yet in ECS format, cf
A split index dashboard isn't possible as far as I know, so I fixed the dashboard to use the ECS orchestrator.namespace filter, the main app logs can be found here in the meantime.

kostajh claimed this task.
kostajh added a subscriber: akosiaris.

Thanks. In the meantime, I think we can mark this as resolved. Thanks to you and @akosiaris for reworking the ipoid dashboard to use ECS