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Consider improving behaviour when multiple community configuration providers are registered under one key
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MediaWiki-extensions-CommunityConfiguration works on top of configuration providers, which are defined by client extensions of CommunityConfiguration or in LocalSettings.php. When multiple extensions (or an extension and LocalSettings.php) define two providers on the same key, one of them is selected (LocalSettings.php has precedence, and ExtensionProcessor handles inter-extension conflicts) and at the end, used.

In this task, we should consider whether that behaviour is the expected one, and if we decide on a better approach, log a task for fixing it.

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

I consider this a low priority item, because those conflicts are likely not going to be frequent (for terms that could be used by multiple extensions, people usually prefix them correctly, especially if instructed in the documentation). However, I logged a task anyway, so that we don't forget about it. I'm also moving it to Post MVP for that reason.

That said, this is something that needs to be clearly documented in T349039: Community configuration 2.0: Technical Documentation.

Urbanecm_WMF moved this task from Up Next to Backlog on the Growth-Team board.