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Your edit was reverted sometimes sent to the wrong editor...
Closed, InvalidPublicBUG REPORT


On Simple English Wikipedia, people sometimes get notices that their edit was reverted, when in fact it wasn't.
Suppose an article with an Edit history:
*A .... article created
*... a few edits...
*B ... some editor makes a change.
... more changes..
*C another medtor makes a change
*D editor reverts the change to one version before C.

I think we all agree that when D reverts the edit o C (to C-1) or whatever, B shouldn't be notified.

It looks like that B in notified, in some cases, when D reverts the change of C...

Event Timeline

PotsdamLamb claimed this task.
PotsdamLamb subscribed.

I was the editor that got the notification. Looking at it again I see what happened and it’s not a software issue. I’ll close this as resolved if it allows me. If not, this can be closed.

Aklapper changed the task status from Resolved to Invalid.Mar 17 2024, 7:06 PM
Aklapper removed PotsdamLamb as the assignee of this task.