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Add us_timestamp to the us_user index on table uploadstash
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From the perspective of the newly added Pager for Special:UploadStash (1175c77fca239f44d4dc24dd89823bdeb3c83e9a) the pager could benefit when the column us_timestamp is added to the us_user index (or a new index get created for better naming).

Not sure how big the table is in production (at least on commonswiki) and if that would be very helpful or not needed.

The timestamp index is used by the maintenance script

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@Umherirrender would you mind following the template at ? We receive plenty of schema changes tasks and it is a lot easier to pick them and to avoid mistakes if they follow the same pattern.


Ladsgroup subscribed.

The schema change is not done in the code, that has to happen first.

This task is not about a prodution schema change, it seems I have clicked the wrong project Schema-change-in-production on phabricator and does not spot that before saving, to use Schema-change.

I have used Data-Persistence to inform the persistent team about a possible issue and optional get back information, if this would/could be a problem and needs higher priority. That could be the wrong project as well.

I think uploadstash is usually empty, so that should be fine? but if it's mostly empty, adding or changing the indexes don't make a difference any way. Please refresh my memory if uploadstash is not mostly empty or a couple of rows.

Seems not needed as not enough rows there to see the different between a table scan or index use