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PayPal IPN type recurring_payment_skipped yields recurring QC warnings
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Undefined index: failure_count RecurringQueueConsumer.php:779
Caught date exception in wmf_common_date_format_using_utc: DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (@)
Undefined index: failure_retry_date RecurringQueueConsumer.php:780

These are coming in on the IPN listener as recurring_payment_skipped IPN types but the listener is mapping them to subscr_failed. However, their next payment date field is 'next_payment_date' rather than 'failure_retry_date' and they have no failure_count


  • make the IPN listener map the next_payment_date to failure_retry_date and add a failure_count with a default of 1


  • make IPN listener and queue consumer treat the 'skipped' messages as their own special case