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Very long user content in the second column can overflow the area, so preventing click events on the of third column
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

What happens?:

  • You can't. I think because the overflow of the second column is obscuring the third column.

What should have happened instead?:

  • The overflow should go under the third column (or wrap, or scroll, or be cut off, anything that doesn't impede functionality).

Event Timeline

Jdforrester-WMF renamed this task from layout: second column prevents use of third column to Ridiculous user content in the second column can overflow the area, so preventing click events on the of third column.Mar 14 2024, 4:55 PM
DVrandecic renamed this task from Ridiculous user content in the second column can overflow the area, so preventing click events on the of third column to Ver long user content in the second column can overflow the area, so preventing click events on the of third column.Mar 14 2024, 4:56 PM
99of9 renamed this task from Ver long user content in the second column can overflow the area, so preventing click events on the of third column to Very long user content in the second column can overflow the area, so preventing click events on the of third column.Mar 14 2024, 8:50 PM

Change #1015022 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jforrester; author: Jforrester):

[mediawiki/extensions/WikiLambda@master] ZObjectToString: Use word-break: break-all; to wrap extremely log user values

Jdforrester-WMF changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Mar 27 2024, 12:21 PM
Jdforrester-WMF claimed this task.
Jdforrester-WMF subscribed.
image.png (862×1 px, 77 KB)
image.png (942×1 px, 109 KB)

Change #1015022 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/WikiLambda@master] ZObjectToString: Use word-break: break-all; to wrap extremely log user values

Looks good in production.