We will have a landing page for Automoderator (initially a user page - T355425 - but likely later a Special page) where we can surface high-level data about Automoderator and what it is doing on the wiki.
We might imagine adding data such as:
- Number of reverts in the last 1/7/30 days
- Number of reverts reverted in the last 1/7/30 days
- How many edits Automoderator failed to revert (e.g. due to edit conflicts), linking to a log
- How many false positives have been filed (and how does this relate to total reverts/users)
- How many false positive reports have been reviewed or are awaiting review (or have been responded to)
These are all ideas, some easier to instrument than others, so we should speak to users and learn what would be most helpful.
False positive report/review would depend on using Discussion Tools to understand.